Manuel Fernández de Córdoba
Intellectual Property
Has exerted the profession for more tan three decades, mainly in the area of intellectual property. Besides, has intervened in the litigation and dispute resolution of complex cases on issues of private law. In the same way, he has represented the German state before ecuadorian courts in extradition processes.
Conjointly with the professional exercise, has exerted the university professorship on intelectual property in Ecuador’s most important universities. In such condition, has been subdean of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Law School. Is recognized as one of the greatest experts on the subject of intelectual property in Ecuador.
He is a lawyer and doctor of jurisprudence by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. He possesses the following degrees: invited researcher (Gastwissenschaftler) for the Munich, Germany’s, Max Planck Institute for Copyright, Industrial Property Law and Anti-Trust Law, under direction of Professor Dr. Dr. H.C. Mult. Gerhard Schricker (1993-1995).
A master’s degree in Canonical Matrimonial Law for La Rioja University.