Quevedo & Ponce

Milton Castillo


Environment and Energy Law

In twenty-five years of professional practice, starting from his student days, he has made Law a tool for service and utility to society, whether in constitutional matters, family law, criminal law, labor law, human rights, or environmental law, with emphasis on sustainability, alternative energies, and the environment.

His versatility and convictions about legal science and its effectiveness place him as one of the foremost promoters of arbitration and mediation in the country since the year 2000, having held the position of Director of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Antonio Quevedo Foundation, as a mediator, arbitration secretary, and currently as an arbitrator of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Quito Chamber of Construction.

His professional practice has unfolded both in the public and private sectors, including university teaching, judiciary roles in civil and criminal matters, Ombudsman for People and Nature, the latter position held in the Galapagos Islands where he generated unprecedented episodes of species protection, representation of nature in court, and direct connection between constitutional norms and human rights.

He has been awarded the “Jaime Roldós Aguilera” Prize for two consecutive years by the National Federation of Lawyers of Ecuador.

In the public sphere, he ran as a candidate for mayor of Quito and held the position of President of the Alumni Association of San Gabriel School in Quito.

He is a lawyer and doctor of jurisprudence from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, with specialization courses in Constitutional Law and Oral Litigation from the University of Salamanca, master’s studies in Economic Law from the Andean University Simón Bolivar, and International Protection Systems from the University of La Rioja.

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