January 28th: International Day for the Protection of Personal Data

Today we celebrate International Day for the Protection of Personal Data, which aims to highlight the importance of safeguarding people’s privacy and promoting respect for their digital rights. In Ecuador, this day encourages reflection on online security and compliance with regulations related to the protection of personal data.

New “Green Point” Environmental Certification to Promote the Circular Economy in Ecuador

To promote sustainable practices and the circular economy in Ecuador, the MPCEIP and the MAATE have issued the Interministerial Agreement MPCEIP-MAATE-2024-001-AI. This agreement establishes guidelines for the issuance of the Ecuadorian Environmental Certification “Punto Verde,” targeting the manufacturing, strategic, and service sectors, as well as specific circular economy projects.

Mergers & Acquisitions: How to Prevent Your Business from Incurring in Sanctionable Economic Concentrations under Ecuadorian Law

Quevedo & Ponce – Legal News Mergers & Acquisitions: How to Prevent Your Business from Incurring in Sanctionable Economic Concentrations under Ecuadorian Law When discussing mergers and acquisitions (M&A), we refer to a series of legal and non-legal acts, including economic, financial, and accounting actions. Whether a company acquires the rights of another, either fully […]


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