Alejandro Ponce Martínez

Main Partner

Dispute Resolution

He litigates against the State in defense of individual rights infringed by it. His inaugural case, in 1970, involved a lawsuit against the Municipality of Quito, wherein he succeeded in having the Fiscal Court of the Republic annul its attempt to collect a fee for the subdivision of real estate.

He has consistently defended intellectual property rights against third-party violations and State interventions. Co-author of laws that have enshrined intellectual property rights and procedural norms safeguarding citizen rights. He has successfully crafted several strategies in investment arbitrations, based on Ecuadorian and international law, contrary to the opinions of foreign attorneys unfamiliar with the legal system of Ecuador.

He has confronted corrupt judges and litigants who awarded undue and illegal compensations for entirely lawful actions. He has resorted to the inter-American Human Rights System to seek the restoration of the rule of law and defend human rights violated by the Ecuadorian State. He acted before the Court of Justice of the Andean Community to reinforce the supremacy of community and integration law over domestic legal systems.

He served as Director of the Legal Advice Office for the Presidency of the Republic during the constitutional government of President León Febres Cordero. His integrity and effectiveness were recognized when he served as an Ad-Hoc Judge and Acting Justice of the Superior Court of Quito and the Administrative Litigation Court based in Quito. He has efficiently and clearly guided parties in applying the law in various arbitration proceedings concerning complex disputes, educating them about this alternative method of conflict resolution.

As a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, the Universidad Central del Ecuador, the Universidad del Azuay, la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, and the Simón Bolívar Andean University , he has endeavored to steer the study of various branches of law through jurisprudential discourse. Today, he continues to advocate for the rule of law.

He holds a Doctorate in Jurisprudence from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and a Master of Comparative Jurisprudence from New York University.

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