Quevedo & Ponce

Giuliana Egas

Legal Assistant

Intellectual Property

Giuliana Egas joined Quevedo & Ponce in 2022 while pursuing her law degree at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, where she is currently in the final semesters of her studies. Giuliana has excelled academically, serving as a teaching assistant and contributing to the book “Manual de Teoría del Estado” by constitutionalist Salim Zaidan. She has also demonstrated her skills by competing in the National Arbitration Competitions organized by AMCHAM at Universidad del Azuay 2023 and Universidad Espíritu Santo 2024.

A passionate activist for nature’s rights, Giuliana collaborates with the legal team of Fundación Victoria Animal, contributing to landmark cases like the Mona Estrellita ruling (Case No. 253-20-JH).

As part of the firm’s Intellectual Property team, Giuliana is driven by her love for art and her dedication to protecting creativity. She is actively working on consolidating an Artistic Movement aimed at supporting artists while raising awareness about important social issues.

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