Quevedo & Ponce - Noticias Legales

Exceptional Payment Plan for withheld or collected taxes, administered by SRI – (Due Date February 7th, 2025)

On January 6, 2025, the Internal Revenue Service (SRI), through Resolution No. NAC-DGERCGC25-000000001, launched an exceptional payment plan for withheld or received taxes in arrears until December 31, 2024, as provided in the Organic Law for Financial Relief and Strengthening of Generations in Ecuador, offering a unique opportunity to regularize outstanding tax debts.

Deadline to access the plan: Until February 7, 2025. Taxpayers must log into the SRI portal (www.sri.gob.ec) with their ID or RUC and access code, and select the option “Debts / Exceptional Payment Plan.”

Key benefits:

  1. Once the plan is approved, the coercive enforcement procedure and the prescription period for the collection action will be suspended.
  2. The plan will allow installment payments of up to 12 months.

Important conditions: If a taxpayer defaults on a payment, the plan will be canceled, and the coercive enforcement procedure will begin or continue.

This exceptional plan represents an excellent opportunity to regularize pending taxes and avoid additional fiscal issues. Don’t miss this opportunity for tax relief!

At Quevedo & Ponce, we assist you in accessing the SRI’s Exceptional Payment Plan to regularize your outstanding taxes. With flexible payments and the suspension of coercive enforcement, it’s an excellent opportunity to catch up. Contact us, and we’ll guide you through the entire process!

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