Abandonment in Judicial Proceedings: Is It the End of a Right?

Abandonment in judicial proceedings is declared when the parties fail to act for six months following the last providence, except in cases involving the rights of children, persons with disabilities, and labor rights. If declared for the first time, the claimant may file a new claim after six months; if it occurs again, the right to sue is extinguished.

WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Associated Traditional Knowledge

The WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Traditional Knowledge, adopted in 2024, establishes an international framework for the protection and recognition of ancestral knowledge. Through innovations such as the disclosure requirement, it promotes transparency in the use of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in patented inventions, ensuring respect for the communities of origin.

Dissolution, Liquidation, and Cancellation of Commercial Companies in Ecuador

The dissolution, liquidation, and cancellation of commercial companies in Ecuador is a key process when a company ceases to operate, no longer generates income, or becomes unprofitable. Closure of the company in a timely manner prevents the accumulation of fiscal and administrative obligations, thereby reducing the risk of sanctions and unnecessary expenses. There are various legal options to perform this procedure, each suited to different circumstances.

Administrative Tribunal of Quito Protects the Rights of a Designation Of Origin Registered in the European Union and WIPO

Quevedo & Ponce successfully acted on behalf of the Consorzio Produttori e Tutela della DOP FONTINA in response to a lawsuit filed by an Ecuadorian company, which primarily argued that FONTINA was not registered in Ecuador. However, the Administrative Litigation Tribunal located in the Metropolitan District of Quito upheld the challenged administrative act, citing the risk of consumer confusion and applying Decision 486 of the Andean Community, emphasizing the importance of protecting designations of origin, even without formal registration in Ecuador.

How to Protect Your Business from Litigation: Basic Legal Tips

Litigation can pose risks to your company’s resources and reputation. To prevent such risks, it is essential to adopt preventive measures, including drafting clear and comprehensive contracts, ensuring compliance with labor laws, safeguarding intellectual property, maintaining transparent accounting practices, engaging the services of a specialized attorney, and promoting internal conflict resolution. With appropriate legal counsel, you can protect your business and ensure its uninterrupted growth, free from legal disruptions.


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