Quevedo & Ponce - Corporate Law

Our services in this area stem from a thorough understanding of each of our clients’ businesses. Therefore, our services aim to ensure that legal assistance contributes to the proper development and growth of the company.

Running a business requires constant interactions with others for good business management. Our advice includes commercial contracting, including fiduciary aspects.

Juan Esteban Ponce

Managing Partner

Creating a Company

International businesses need to know that doing business in Ecuador can be both challenging and rewarding with the right guidance. There are many key issues that differ from other legal systems and can be easily identified before any negotiations. We look forward to assisting new ventures in starting businesses in Ecuador or helping them comply with all the necessary management and maintenance.

Commercial transactions between customary law systems and code-based legal systems are vastly different and can be risky if credits are not adequately secured.

Our legislation provides for a summary procedure to demand payment of a credit; however, instruments must meet very strict legal requirements to be valid for this procedure. Regular proceedings are often lengthy, complex, and resource-consuming, so we strongly recommend foreign companies to review credit instruments and transactions with us to avoid any eventualities and secure credits properly.

Preventive legal advice can save years of litigation for a fraction of its cost.

Our debt collection services encompass credit investigations, out-of-court settlements, litigation, arbitrations, enforcement of judgments, deficiency judgments, bankruptcy, and insolvency proceedings.

We provide our debt collection services on a contingency basis, applying the rates set by the Commercial Law League of America.

We are members of the International Association of Commercial Collectors.

The firm has in-house accountants to provide accounting services, payroll management, and outsourcing solutions for companies, subsidiaries, or local branches, as well as to audit authorized distributors, licensees, franchisees, or local subsidiaries. It’s worth noting that the accountant assumes all legal responsibility, including in the criminal sphere, alongside the company’s administrator. Additionally, our accounting services include the application of the recently required IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).

Our tax lawyers, in conjunction with the accounting team, provide the best strategies for doing business in Ecuador depending on the client’s needs. We offer tax advice for different business models or various alternatives in tax planning to engage in the market.

Keeping a Company

Selling or Acquiring a Company

International Debt Collection

Tax Accounting

General Law Practice

In international transactions, contracts are often subject to foreign laws. However, it is still important to ensure that an international agreement complies with Ecuadorian laws and is enforceable in our country. Our practice includes reviewing agreements between foreign parties that have effects in Ecuador, drafting and reviewing agreements between a local and a foreign party, as well as drafting and reviewing local agreements. Many commercial problems can be anticipated and their risks limited.

Ecuador offers various types of visas. The most common ones for our clients are the Investment Visa, Company Director Visa, Professional Visa, or Entrepreneur Visa. We assist in obtaining all types of visas, either independently or as part of our assistance in establishing a company or branch and obtaining visas for investors or directors.

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