Quevedo & Ponce

Quevedo & Ponce - Noticias Legales

January 28th: International Day for the Protection of Personal Data

Today we celebrate International Data Protection Day, a date aimed at raising awareness about the importance of protecting our privacy in an increasingly digital world. In Ecuador, this topic has gained significance following the approval of the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPDP) in 2021, a milestone that marks the country’s commitment to safeguarding the digital rights of its citizens.

The LOPDP establishes key principles such as transparency, accountability, and informed consent for the processing of personal data, aligning with international regulations like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Among its most notable provisions is the creation of the Data Protection Authority, which oversees the enforcement of this law throughout the country.

Despite these advances, the challenge today lies in its effective implementation, especially in sectors like e-commerce and public institutions. This day gives us the opportunity to reflect on the importance of protecting our personal information and demand the enforcement of measures that promote a safe and respectful digital environment for citizens’ rights.

A crucial aspect of the LOPDP in Ecuador is the obligation of companies and public entities to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data they manage. The law stipulates that, in addition to obtaining the consent of data subjects, appropriate security measures must be implemented to prevent leaks, unauthorized access, or misuse of information. The regulation also grants citizens the right to access, rectify, and delete their data, giving them greater control over the information they share. However, the lack of a data protection culture and the resistance of some sectors to adapt to these new standards remain barriers to its full implementation.


Let’s protect our Data, let’s safeguard our privacy!

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