Quevedo & Ponce - Noticias Legales
Promoting the Economy of Entrepreneurs Women in Ecuador: A Key Legal Advancement
- March 13th, 2025
- Quevedo & Ponce
On March 10, 2025, the Organic Law to Promote the Economy of Entrepreneurs Women in Ecuador was published in the Third Supplement at Official Registry No. 758, a regulation of great relevance devoted to promote entrepreneur’s women access to financial resources, training programs and various growth opportunities. This law represents a significant step in order to reduce gender gaps in the country’s business and economic sectors.
Objective and Scope of the Law: The primary purpose of the law is to promote female entrepreneurship through the implementation of measures that facilitate access to financing, tax incentives, and institutional support. Considering the structural barriers faced by women, such as difficulties in accessing credit and the lack of support networks, the regulation establishes the following provisions:
- Creation of exclusive financing funds for women-led businesses.
- Development of training and technical assistance programs to strengthen women’s entrepreneurial skills.
- Establishment of tax incentives and specific fiscal benefits for women-owned businesses.
- Promotion of digital inclusion as a tool to enhance the competitiveness of businesses led by women.
- Implementation of public policies devoted to strength female participation in the economy.
These measures seek to create a more inclusive and equitable environment, fostering women’s financial autonomy, job creation, and the sustainability of women-led businesses through digitalization and business education.
At Quevedo & Ponce, we closely supervise the implementation of this regulation and are committed with development of entrepreneur’s women. We offer specialized advice to help them take full advantage of the law’s benefits and formalize their businesses. Contact us for a personalized consultation.
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